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Frequently Asked Questions

How is the tuner attached to the banjo? 


The MDT uses 3M VHB double-sided tape.  This tape has outstanding adhesion, but if desired, the tuner can be removed leaving no residue on the peghead. The MDT has holes for screw mounting if preferred

What direction do the tuner buttons turn?


Both tuner buttons turn the same direction: Clockwise going from G tuning down to D tuning and counterclockwise back up to G.


What peghead style can the MDT be used with? 


The MDT fits all pegheads I've encountered to date, but I build a couple of different "models" (lengths of wire) to address differing peghead widths. The order page will ask you to provide your Banjo's peghead style so I can send you the best "fit" for your banjo.

How much are the Mighty D-Tuners?

These are $220, and you can pay several different ways. Please use the "Contact" Page to shoot us a message and get started. 


The Mighty D-Tuner - Once tuned it stays tuned - No drilling or holes - Barely visable on banjo peghead - Set and Forget

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